NW Auto Services Ltd

Motor Vehicle Mechanics

NW Auto Services Ltd

unit 6 westminster industrial park, rossfield road, Ellesmere Port, Merseyside, CH65 3DU  (Show me directions)

0800 77...Landline    Landline    07554 8...Mobile    Mobile   



nwfueldrain   @nwfueldrain  

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land & marine fuel drain specialists, covering the North West & North Wales

we offer fuel drain solutions for land and marine vehicles across the North West and North Wales.
we are able to drain cars, vans, bikes, hg's etc on the forecourt, roadside or home/work address using the latest equipment and fully trained staff.
we also carry out contaminated fuel removals or diesel polishing for water craft either on the quay side or in the marina/harbour.

TerraClean service

bringing to you the latest revolutionary TerraClean service!
this service removes the build up of carbon, glues & varnishes from within your vehicles engine which in turn gives your engine a new lease of life... regained performance, improved mpg, lower emissions and prolonged component life.
we offer this service from our workshop in ellesmere port and also have a mobile service as well.

Vehicle Air Conditioning service

using the very latest equipment we can carry out Air Conditioning servicing on both R134a & HFO1234ya gases both from our workshop or mobile.
offering a simple gas top up or a full system drain, clean, leak test and new gas.... give us a call to discuss your requirements


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