Energy Psychology That Works Coaching

Alternative Medical Treatment, Human Resource Consultants, Hypnotherapists, Life Coaching, Pension Plan Providers and Consultants, Psychotherapists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists

 attachment therapy, cbt interventions, counselling, counselling supervisor, critical incident debriefing, eft practitioner, life coaching, psychodynamic therapy, relaxation techniques, trauma therapy

Energy Psychology That Works Coaching

88 Castleton Road, Ruislip, HA4 9QL  (Show me directions)

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020 398...Landline    Landline    07900 2...Mobile    Mobile   

  Monday to Thursday: Closed , Friday: 08:00 to 22:00 , Saturday: Closed , Sunday: 08:00 to 22:00



jennifer.hooper.7374480   @jhenterprise  

  Bank Transfer, Paypal, Cheque, Cash


Interventions at flexible times. An opportunity for your to grow and to feel freer. Esoteric practice and trained in 7 or more modalities of therapy treatments: Life Coach and Integrative, Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytical and Analytical Psychology, Systemic Ideas, EFT, Hypno and Creative Relaxation Techniques. Telephone, email and f2f and Skype.Worked with clients who have seen multiple therapists, who have long term issues still being worked on and not yet resolved, and retention of solid client base of families and their friends past 10 years. Personally and professional development in a complex economic climate of WRS and economic changes. International Practitioner on Skype.


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